Shine Bright Blog

Life is a journey- not a destination. I live by this quote. I’m not sure who said it or when, but the philosophy behind its message resonated with me when I first read it sometime in my college years. It changed the way I wanted to live my life; not living for life’s milestones but enjoying the moments in between. Living life’s moments that get you to the milestones, milestones that may or may not be planned or expected by society’s rules. I studied Sociology as a University student- I love it! I find people fascinating and I love how we can affect each other- often without even realising it. It is all part of being human. For me, the time I have felt at my most human has been through pregnancy and birth. The experience of learning about my body through our conception, our pregnancy and birth have been fascinating to me! The biology, the psychology and the sociology of this journey to becoming a Mama are immense. It makes me so sad to hear of other people’s journey along the path to parenthood when their stories are told with negativity. I want to wrap them in a hug and say ‘you’re ok…you survived!’ but I know it’s not that simple. Traumatic events during this precious and vulnerable time in our lives can impact our mental health and the way we parent for decades (for all members of the parenting team). There isn’t a quick fix, but I wholeheartedly believe that our mindset is everything. Changing the way we share our stories, changing the language we use to define our journey and changing our perception of the experiences will shape our lives and how we live them. As parents, we have such an overwhelming responsibility to our children. They are affected by our mindset so easily- before they can even understand it themselves. I have worked in a variety of roles in education for nearly twenty years and I have seen the effects of negative parenting vibes all too often. However, when parents have positive vibes- it makes such an important difference to their children! We can’t get it right all of the time (and this is important for children to experience too!) but how we handle life and all it throws at us- that impacts our children at a deeply ingrained level.

The Shine Bright Mama Blog then expanded into a Shop for Mum Clothing, baby clothing, toddler clothing and everything else we could think of in-between. From jewellery to mugs, towels to flip flops, bags to beanies; our clothing range extends to gifts and accessories using the words we feel empower us within our best selves. The words we want to use to describe ourselves and our babies. 

These words are the foundation they build their life upon. This is why The Shine Bright Mama Blog exists! For anyone who needs a dose of positivity when they are feeling low, anyone who feels great and wants to celebrate it and anyone else in between, this blog is written for parents. Those with children and those who are waiting to meet their baby. However they may have been conceived, whoever may birth them, they are all precious and if we find our centre, our own balance then we can be the best parents possible for these bundles of future hopes for all humans sharing this phenomenal journey.